The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. In addition to controlling every process that regulates the body, the brain can also change, modify, and rewire itself. Scientists call this miraculous ability neuroplasticity or brain plasticity. Because of neuroplasticity, we can learn new skills, solve complex problems, achieve challenging athletic goals, and recover from injuries that damage the brain. At the same time, harmful habits, such as habitual drug use or excessive drinking, can cause the brain to change in ways that can lead to addiction. The good news is that new, healthy, and sober experiences can help the brain change once again — this time for the better.
The brain is made up of synapses, small structures that neurons use to communicate with each other. As we age, some synaptic connections can grow stronger while others weaken. This process, which is called synaptic pruning, allows the brain to adapt to changing circumstances and environments.
There are four main ways synaptic connections can encourage brain plasticity.
In many ways, neuroplasticity means that the brain is always learning. Unfortunately, the brain doesn’t differentiate between good or bad habits and experiences. The brain simply learns whatever habits are repeated, whether they’re helpful or harmful. In other words, what we do habitually — good or bad — literally affects the way our brains function. Because of this, neuroplasticity can unintentionally encourage addiction.
Drugs and alcohol increase the release of dopamine, a chemical messenger in the brain that triggers pleasurable feelings. Repeated drug or alcohol exposure leads to consistently high levels of dopamine, which influences neuroplasticity. The brain adapts, strengthening synaptic connections that favor addiction. These neuroplastic changes “teach” the brain to continue the drug use habit, leading to more substance use, and eventually, addiction.
Luckily, neuroplasticity can play an equally important role in addiction recovery.
The same brain plasticity that hard-wires poor habits into our brains can help us learn new habits. Thanks to neuroplasticity, we can overcome trauma, addiction, depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors. The more we weaken unhealthy neural connections and strengthen helpful neural connections, the more we can retrain the brain. Here’s how neuroplasticity can benefit addiction recovery.
Even though the brain has the ability to adapt on its own, we can help our brains change for the better. We can help encourage positive brain changes by:
Addiction can wreak havoc on the brain. But here at StoneRidge, we know that the brain can change. That’s why we use expert-level brain science to treat addiction. Our whole-person approach to treatment encourages recovery and lifestyle activities that encourage brain plasticity. Our treatment programs can help restore your brain to optimal health. Let us help you get there. Contact us today to learn more.
Because mental health and addiction concerns are so often interconnected, we utilize research-based approaches with evidence-based outcomes that promote overall healing and recovery.
This low-impact magnetic stimulation activates neurons inside the brain, relieving symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.
Using brain scanning and readings, we create a map of our patients’ brains, helping us develop more targeted and effective treatments.
This process assists patients in visualizing their own brain functionality through continuous EEG readings.
We use carefully monitored doses of Spravato to help patients struggling with complex mental health disorders, including severe depression.
Patients use this practice to help reframe intrusive or negative thought patterns and develop coping techniques for long-term recovery.
This practice helps patients learn to regulate emotions, communicate more effectively, and process their own thoughts and feelings..
Licensed and trained therapists guide patients through this technique for managing stress and anxiety on an ongoing basis.
Patients experience one-on-one therapy sessions with a licensed therapist to provide a safe and private place to recover and heal.
Patients can practice the skills and techniques they have learned in treatment with others in a safe, therapist-guided space.
5940 E. Copper Hill Dr. Ste B & E, Prescott Valley, AZ. 86314
We exercise progressive, leading brain science in our treatment approach for patients in our community and across the country who are struggling with mental health and addiction challenges.
We exercise progressive, leading brain science in our treatment approach for patients in the Prescott Valley community and across the country who are struggling with mental health and addiction challenges.
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