Neuro+ Plus Restart (IOP)

Intensive Outpatient Program

The Neuro+ Plus Restart (IOP) Restart program is flexible for the patient’s lifestyle, as they prepare to return to their schedule, commitments, and relationships on a consistent basis. Working with our clinical team, the Intensive Outpatient Program enables patients to experience greater independence and accountability while achieving other wellness goals such as finding employment and attending support meetings outside of the treatment program.

Why Neuro+ Plus Restart?

Innovation meets individuality. Our Neuro+ Plus Restart (IOP) is ideal for patients who need more than typical outpatient talk therapy and medication management. Along with group therapy, IOP offers cutting-edge care such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Ketamine, Neurofeedback, and qEEG/Brain Mapping, alongside clinical therapies such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

What to Expect

Our commitment continues. Patient progress is a major focus of our Restart program, as patients prepare to reengage in their daily schedules, commitments, and relationships on a regular basis. Throughout the program, our medical and clinical team work closely with each patient, ensuring they hit recognized benchmarks while achieving their own unique goals. Patients can ease into their routine as well as seek out new endeavors with a secure sense of self.

mental health provider in Prescott reviewing brain scans

Neuro+ plus

TMS, Ketamine & Neurofeedback

Brain-focused treatment that sets us apart.

StoneRidge offers what few other practices provide – innovative, scientifically proven, and research-backed therapeutic options. From Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to Brain Mapping, our treatment combines trusted practices with modern approaches, ensuring our patients receive the best all-around care.